Meet Adalyn & Kristi
"Before we found Girl Reimagined, our daughter, Adalyn, was struggling immensely. She would shut down and retreat to her room for days whenever anything negative happened. Her grades dropped, she skipped athletic events and school, and even family dinners didn't matter to her. This was a stark contrast to the enthusiastic, sparkling kid she once was, loved by her teachers and friends.
We tried everything—reaching out to teachers and coaches, enrolling her in counseling, encouraging her to participate in activities she once loved, and even reassessing our parenting and communication methods. Despite the support, we weren't making progress. In desperation, I Googled for help and found Girl Reimagined.
Working with Girl Reimagined has brought a significant turnaround in Adalyn's life. She's rediscovered her sparkle, with more good days than bad. By the end of the school year, she attended school and athletic practices consistently and worked on bringing her grades up. While she still navigates her emotions as a teenager, the low moments are far shorter now, lasting hours instead of days. She has learned tools to manage her challenges independently and is more receptive to friends and family. The big wall she had put up is slowly coming down.
Today, Adalyn is a sophomore and in a much better place compared to last year. She even went out for Flag Football this fall, a completely new sport for her, and it's been fantastic to see her hustle on the field. Her academic workload has increased, but she's persevering through it. More importantly, she's actively working through her challenges. Last night, for example, she had a typical teenage meltdown but talked herself through it and followed through with her plan. This might seem simple, but for us, it's a huge milestone.
Adalyn recently attended Homecoming and had a great time, and her confidence is clearly returning. The Girl Reimagined program didn't just help Adalyn; it gave us, as parents, tools to support and communicate with her. This isn't an overnight success, but as I reflect on where we were a year ago compared to now, the difference is distinct. We needed outside support, and I'm grateful we found Girl Reimagined.
Thank you for your help along this journey!"